Intelligent Early Warning Platform Solution for a Central Court

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I. Overview

The intelligent early warning platform of a Chinese hospital adopts the Internet of Things and information technology to collect monitoring data in real time and unify the summarized platform, which can carry out real-time monitoring and statistical collection point data. When the monitoring data reaches the threshold value, the platform will prompt in time for relevant personnel to deal with. The following describes the content and operation of the platform through three aspects: architecture, hardware and software.

II. Architecture

The platform system layer adopts the technology of front-end and back-end separation, in which the front-end uses responsive framework and the back-end uses microservice framework; the platform application layer adopts the BS architecture, accessing and using the platform functions through the browser; the platform IOT layer sensors and the gateway use RS485 communication, and the gateway and the network layer use RJ45 communication.

a) System mapping

The platform adopts the architecture of front-end and back-end separation, and the back-end is composed of micro-services in a way that supports distribution and ensures the scalability of the system. Asynchronous communication is used between services to ensure the timely response of the system. Logging and monitoring services ensure the high availability of the platform and improve the efficiency and quality of maintenance.

b) IOT topology map

The platform sensors all use RS485 devices, single or multiple sensor devices connected in series to access the gateway. The gateway is connected to a switch via RJ45 to interact with the platform.

c) Application of technical charts

The platform is deployed on two host instances, configured with system firewalls and application firewalls, and security parameters are configured for the host systems (configured according to system level protection 3). The data application will install the most recent stable version and install the latest patches. The collection and service program, developed with native code, ensures that the platform's code is scalable, and it can guarantee the security and confidentiality of the code. Application services are configured with dual nodes to ensure high platform availability.

III. Hardware

This phase of the project is planned for IoT modifications to the computer room, archive room and distribution boxes on each floor to monitor temperature, humidity, smoke alarms, flooding, UPS and electrical fires, respectively.

a) Equipment applications


RS485 input, support multiple communication methods such as 4G and RJ45, active power supply. Support remote reboot, remote configuration and update (internet connection required), IoT mainstream protocol (MQTT) and customized private protocol.

Temperature and humidity:

RS485 output, humidity accuracy ±3%RH (60%RH, 25℃), temperature accuracy ±0.5℃ (25℃), refresh time 1S.


RS485 output, normally open contacts, monitoring objects for tap water, pure water.

Smoke Detectors.

RS485 output, smoke sensitivity 1.06±0.26%FT, alarm sound: ≥80dB.

Smart Micro Break:

RS485 output, poles 1P (no leakage protection), 2P, 3P, 4P, rated current: 10-80A, rated short-circuit capacity of 10,000A, monitoring functions are three-phase current, voltage, temperature, residual current, power consumption; protection functions are short-circuit, over-current, overload, over-temperature, over/under-voltage, leakage, arc faults, phase loss and three-phase unbalance.

b) List of products

main building3Fcomputer roomgateway (Internet or between networks)2UPS, environmental monitoring are accessed separately
temperature and humidity10 
Smoke Alarm Detector6 
12Farchivesgateway (Internet or between networks)1 
temperature and humidity4 
Smoke Alarm Detector4 
2Farchivesgateway (Internet or between networks)1 
temperature and humidity4 
Smoke Alarm Detector4 
1F-2F, 4F-12Fswitching cabinetIntelligent micro breaks111 each for each floor distribution box
3Fswitching cabinetIntelligent micro breaks9 
podium1F-3Fswitching cabinetIntelligent micro breaks31 each for each floor distribution box

Table 1

c) Programmatic map

◆ 3rd floor computer room

The gateway is mounted on the wall to the left of the entrance door to the operator's room (reserved for network and mains power, the UPS gateway is combined in one box);
Flooding is installed at the most unfavorable point of the floor plan; temperature, humidity, and smoke sensors are staggered in the ceiling, and all sensors are connected in series using power and signal wires and brought into the gateway and accessed.

◆ 12th floor archives

The gateway is mounted on the wall of the entrance door (reserved for network and mains power);
Flooding is installed at the most unfavorable point of the floor plan; temperature, humidity, and smoke sensors are staggered in the ceiling, and all sensors are connected in series using power and signal wires and brought into the gateway and accessed.

◆ 2F Archives

The gateway is mounted on the wall of the entrance door (reserved for network and mains power);
Flooding is installed at the most unfavorable point of the floor plan; temperature, humidity, and smoke sensors are staggered in the ceiling, and all sensors are connected in series using power and signal wires and brought into the gateway and accessed.

◆ Power distribution box

The gateway is mounted on the rail next to the main switch (reserved for the network cable, mains power is taken from the distribution box);
Micro breaks that need to be upgraded can be directly replaced with intelligent micro breaks, using the RS485 communication line to access the gateway and upload the server.

d) Notes

The gateways are all connected to the intranet;
Gateway access to sensor devices can be expanded, the theory of each single-serial gateway can be accessed up to 254 devices (regardless of response time and construction cost premise);
Installation locations for temperature and humidity, smoke detection and flooding may be adjusted depending on actual conditions.

IV. Software

The platform consists of a visualization platform and a back-office management platform, an intranet environment, and access via a browser.

a) Functions

b) Role authority

Project Privileges
sports eventconstructionsstoryplacement
a specialized courtmain building1Fswitching cabinet
2FArchive Room Power Distribution Box
3FServer room Power distribution boxes
4Fswitching cabinet
5Fswitching cabinet
6Fswitching cabinet
7Fswitching cabinet
8Fswitching cabinet
9Fswitching cabinet
10Fswitching cabinet
11Fswitching cabinet
12FArchive Room Power Distribution Box
podium1Fswitching cabinet
2Fswitching cabinet
3Fswitching cabinet

Table 2

functional privilege
flat-roofed buildingmodule (in software)functionalitysubfunction
Visualization PlatformReal-time alarmsAlarm handlingConfirmation Processing
Back-office management platformCollector ManagementRemote control operationRemote Disconnect Static Remote Disconnect
Collection point managementAlarm threshold managementModify Thresholds
user managementAccount ManagementAccount Creation Account Modification Account Privilege Configuration
Role ManagementCharacter Creation Character Modification

Table 3

All accounts on the platform need to be configured with a role for normal use. The role consists of a combination of project permissions (Table 2) and functional permissions (Table 3), in which the project permissions and functional permissions are gridded, and the project permissions and functional permissions can be customized and configured, and the platform will carry out independent verification to ensure the adaptability and security of the account permissions.

c) Notes

Platform features have been listed is based on the intranet environment of the standard features, such as personalized functional requirements, intranet environment can be achieved, the R & D team will evaluate the upgrade, the need for extranet support of the functional requirements, in addition to technical communication.
Role permissions can be communicated if there are special needs and added after technical evaluation.

V. About Hainan Shidian

Hainan Shidian Technology Co., Ltd. to "make the standardization of industrial Internet of Things easier" as the vision, focusing on the direction of the Internet of Things industry chain, indoor positioning, sensing and control and data transmission products in the field of continuous research and development, Lego (Lego) production, precise to meet the small amount of industrial Internet of Things products and a variety of demand characteristics, to provide customer Complex environment and personalized needs to meet the real low inventory, high satisfaction of the new supply and demand relationship.

The company has four R&D centers in Shanghai, Suzhou, Chengdu and Taipei, adhering to the group's nearly 40 years of good business resources and reputation, firmly believe in the "be an expert in the industry" business philosophy, precise in the channel, sensitive to the market, focus on products, "research" is reliable, "production" is stable, "sales" is quality, always focusing on the industrial Internet of Things customers personalized scenarios to meet the ultimate needs. We believe in the business philosophy of "being an expert in the industry", we are precise in channels, sensitive to the market, and focus on products, "research" is reliable, "production" is stable, "sales" is quality, and we are always focusing on the ultimate satisfaction of personalized scenarios of industrial IoT customers.

In terms of products, we have both Zigbee positioning products, which have been cultivated by our self-research team for more than 10 years, and UWB positioning products, which are developed by our teams in Shanghai and Taipei, to meet the different needs of customers for positioning accuracy. At the same time, the company also introduces Bluetooth positioning products to supplement the self-developed solutions, in order to fully meet the needs of all kinds of customers.

Software support we integrate the overall program of various industries, actively open interfaces and source codes for system integrators to join, for related system software companies to do case demonstration based on our products to provide convenience, so that the Internet of Things indoor positioning applications broader.

Editor-in-Chief:Ameko Wu

Content Reviewer:Jimme Yao