WiFi Serial Server RS485 to WiFi Small Size Cost Effective WiFi Device WE-W204S

 Product Features

  • Supports 802.11b/g/n wireless standards
  • Supports TCP/UDP/Telnet/Modbus TCP protocols.
  • Supports RS485 to Wi-Fi data transmission with serial rate up to 460800bps.
  • Supports STA/AP/AP+STA operating modes
  • Supports SmartLink V8 smart networking function (APP provided)
  • Supports web-based and PC IOTService software configuration.
  • Supports data TLS/AES/DES3 security encryption configuration
  • Support web OTA wireless upgrade
  • Built-in antenna support
  • 5 to 18V wide power supply
  • Size: 61mm x 26mm x 17.8mm
  • FCC/CE/SRRC/IC Certification


WE-W204S Serial Server provides RS4852 and Wi-Fi protocol conversion products to meet the product serial to wireless data transmission channel solutions, this product integrates the TCP/IP protocol stack, memory management, high-speed RS485 and other rich hardware interfaces, and based on the mbed operating system, the product includes web pages and IOTService software, which can be easily configured locally or remotely. The product includes web page and IOTService software, which can be conveniently configured, monitored and debugged locally or remotely.

WE-W204S Serial Server adopts a highly integrated hardware and software platform, which has been optimized for industrial applications, smart grid, personal healthcare applications, just add one WE-W204S product to meet the needs of equipment data monitoring and transmission.


categorization parameters
System Information
Processor/Main Frequency 160MHz
Flash/SDRAM 2MB/352KB
operating system mbed
network protocol

network protocol

IP, TCP, UDP, DHCP, DNS, HTTP Server/Client, ARP, BOOTP, AutoIP, ICMP, Web socket, Telnet, uPNP, NTP, Modbus TCP

security protocol

TLS v1.2 AES 128Bit DES3
wireless interface
wireless standard 802.11 b/g/n
frequency range 2.412GHz-2.484GHz
network paradigm STA/AP/STA+AP
Type of security WEP/WPAPSK/WPA2PSK
encrypted WEP64/WEP128/TKIP/ AES

firing power

802.11b: +18dBm (Max.)

802.11g: +16dBm (Max.)

802.11n: +15dBm (Max.)


receiver sensitivity

802.11b: -89dBm

802.11g: -81dBm

802.11n: -71dBm

Antenna Options Built-in PCB Antenna
serial port (computing)
port number EE10: 1 RS232

EE11: 1 RS485

data bit 7, 8
stop bit 1, 2
check digit None, Even, Odd
baud TTL: 600bps~460800bps

flow control

no-flow control

Half-duplex (RS485) Software Xon/ Xoff Flow Control

Web Configuration Http Web Configuration

Customizable and customizable Http pages




Web page

Cli commands

XML file import

Telnet Configuration

IOTService Configuration Software

Firmware Upgrade Web, IOTService Tools
Basic parameters 
sizes 61mm x 26mm x 17.8mm
operating temperature -40 ~ 85°C
preservation environment -45 ~ 105°C, 5 ~ 95% RH (no condensation)
Input Voltage 5 to 18VDC
Operating Current ~200mA
power wastage <700mW
Other information 
certificates FCC/CE/SRRC/IC


The dimensions of WE-W204S Serial Server are defined as follows (unit: mm)

Models and accessories

name (of a thing) Specification quantities part numbers
WE-W204S Pixie Serial WiFi Server 1 WE-W204S
brackets RJ45 4PIN terminal 1 10810001002


Products in the use of the process of problems, please first and technical personnel to determine the fault, such as the need to return to the factory for repair, please note clearly in the repair order, and fill in the company or personal contact information, and the product together with the return.

Resource support

WE-W204S User's Manual V1.1
