WE-T80 dual-frequency electronic tag is a special electronic tag used as a positioning beacon, used to realize the accurate positioning of the factory turnover trolley and turnover box. The program is simple, easy to operate and cost-effective.
The WE-T80 positioning beacon is first installed in the workshop, warehouse and other places where the trolley may be parked, and then a mobile activator (e.g. DSA-03) is installed on the trolley. As soon as the trolley is parked near the positioning beacon (within 4 meters) it will trigger the positioning beacon to transmit a 2.4G wireless positioning signal (50 meters indoors). Finally, a small number of network readers are deployed to receive the information emitted by the positioning beacon, and the system interprets it to know where the cart is.
The system does not require the deployment of a complex positioning system, as long as the flexible installation of positioning beacons, the location of the turnaround trolley can be seen at a glance. Even if the trolley is not parked near the positioning beacons for a while, the historical track information of the trolley can be used to determine the current location of the trolley.
WE-T80 dual-frequency electronic tags use a rechargeable 3.2V lithium iron phosphate 5 batteries (900mAh), can be activated (including the launch) 1.8 million times, each time the activation will be flashing lights for instructions. Label each time to send will be reported on the real-time power to remind the user if the power is not enough to replace the battery in a timely manner.