Biological Asset Management Solution Based on ZigBee Active Electronic Tag Technology

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I. Programmatic background

Animal ear tags play a vital role in modern livestock farm management and are an important tool for achieving fine management. It usually contains a unique identification number, which is fixed by marking on the ears of livestock animals. Its importance lies in providing a unique identity for each livestock animal, which helps to realize the individualized management of livestock animals, and is also an important tool for achieving fine management.

II. Industry pain points

The breeding industry to the biological assets management demand is increasingly refined, with RFID as the representative of the electronic label gradually in the biological assets management label to try. But passive RFID in the use of the process is facing very big challenges, instead of active electronic tags, then in the animal ear tag plays a good role in making up.

2.1 Difficulty in inventorying large numbers of live animals

Ordinary ear tags have no electronic reading function and cannot realize the digital management application, and the inventory work of traditional farmers for captive livestock is inefficient and difficult.

2.2 Deficiencies in passive RFID applications

Read distance is close, lost, damaged troubleshooting difficulties, no sound and light to find and locate the function, can not expand the application, is the passive RFID tags in recent years in the actual application of the real application of scenarios to test out the real dilemma.

2.3 Labels are used in harsh environments

The electronic label uses the environment in the breeding place extremely bad, the water rushes the frequency high, the gnawing, the extrusion damage possibility high, the product protection grade and the environmental protection safety requirements are extremely high.

2.4 Difficulty in wearing construction

Tagging live animals requires specialized ear tagging tools and tag docking press mounting. Animal mounting and wearing need to consider the characteristics of different animals.

2.5 High protection and hygiene requirements

The animal body wears the electronic label, neither can be too heavy, also cannot be too small is not convenient the human eye to recognize reads, moreover wears the process must reduce the physical harm as far as possible.

Three, ZigBee active electronic tags - for the breeding industry biological asset management to provide low-cost solutions

The world electricity science and technology biological asset management - pig farm (captive class livestock class farm) program, through in the indoor captive place deployment based on the ZigBee technology active electronic label positioning finding system, well solves the present biological asset in the quantity many, the movement fast characteristic under the inventory, the positioning, the recognition and the whole industry chain tracking, the adoption and so on the demand. The specific program realizes the function as follows:

3.1 Rapid control of the number of organisms in the ring

  • Real-time view of the number of pigs in the pen
  • Quick locking of the circle position
  • Monitoring of changes in input and output data
  • Breeders Quick Hunt for Pigs

ZigBee electronic tag based captive livestock asset management program system topology diagram

3.2 Rapid Deployment of the Biological Field Regulatory System (BFRS)

  • Rapid access to electricity and network
  • Wall-mounted with walls, rack-mounted without walls
  • BTS locates, tags locate
  • Regional zoning, three-point orientation

Pig farm ZigBee electronic tag deployment schematic I (fixed base station + DTU solution)

3.3 Data Unlimited applications for organism-worn tagging hardware

  • Electronic tag low frequency low power consumption
  • Continuous active sending to the base station
  • Number, location, in circle
  • Dual-frequency excitation for more accurate position

Pig farm ZigBee electronic tag deployment schematic diagram II (Thousands of things thousand search mobile 4G read card base station solutions)

IV. Programmatic value

The active electronic label in the biological asset widespread application, may for the breeding industry brings the digital production efficiency promotion, also may for the animal adoption mode brings the change, at the same time, in the fine pasture scene, also may for the production enterprise provides the beneficial intellectualization system promotion.

4.1 Animal Inventory No More

Wears the electronic label the biological asset, no longer needs the management personnel to enter the stinking sky field circle inside to carry on the counting quantity. The real time in the circle quantity may in the monitoring equipment at a glance understand, and may see the dynamic real time in the circle position.

4.2 Larger 100-meter read range

When precise locking or manual periodic inventory is required, the mobile reading gun can be used for long-distance scanning and reading. It is very convenient for improving work efficiency.

4.3 Manual pig identification is no longer difficult

Animals wearing electronic tags also still retain the ID and name tags recognized by the human eye, which satisfies both the electronic recognition and the daily naked eye recognizable functions, allowing the keeper to switch between the two recognition modes in a silky smooth manner.

4.4 Adoption tracking becomes a reality

Now the net red "adopt a cow/sheep/pig" mode, with the electronic label support, really can realize the customer customized adoption, the whole process supervision feeding, regular care of the modern net red business model landing and implementation.

4.5 Electronic label function expansion

Active electronic labeling system, all the digital application functions on the asset label, can also be borrowed and used on the biological assets. Rich electronic tag collection data, for the fine animal husbandry fine breeding production to provide the perfect digital information collection carrier.

In summary, although active electronic ear tags may seem simple, their use in livestock farming is extensive and important. It is not only the identification of individual organisms, but also an important tool to realize scientific breeding management, guarantee food safety, optimize breeding strategy and promote industrial development. With the continuous development of pig farming and technological progress, the functions and applications of ZigBee active electronic tags will continue to expand and improve, providing more powerful support for the sustainable development of livestock farming.

V. WEC product links

5.2 Positioning Inventory Server: Warehouse Management Cloud Positioning Gateway WE-LS02

5.3 Fixed card reader: Wireless proximity alarm device WE-RN02

5.4 Mobile Card Reader: Android 4G Full Netcom Industrial Inventory Machine WE-HS230

Editor-in-Chief:Ameko Wu

Content Reviewer:Jimme Yao