(i) Overview of the agreement
The reader is responsible for receiving the message of the nearby positioning electronic tag and reporting it to the computer client (the customer's own platform software) in time. The client receives the label information reported by each reader, and calculates the actual position of the label according to the distance of the electronic label from each antenna.
After the client registers on the network reader device, the reader will actively report the received tag information to the client, during which the client needs to send heartbeat commands to the reader at regular intervals to keep the registration valid. Specifically, the client needs to send a registration request (CMD_LOGIN_REQ) to the card reader first, and the card reader back to the registration answer (CMD_LOGIN_ACK) for confirmation. After the registration is completed, the client needs to send a heartbeat command to the card reader at regular intervals (10 seconds is recommended), and the card reader confirms the heartbeat back, and if the card reader does not receive the heartbeat message for more than 1 minute, it is considered that the registration is invalid. During the registration validity period, any tag information read by the reader will be instantly reported to the relevant client.
(ii) Description of the agreement
1Network protocols
The UDP protocol from the TCP/IP protocol cluster is used as the base protocol for providing the service.
The UDP protocol server port number is tentatively 4099.
2Network Transmission Sequence
For double-byte, quadruple-byte, or multibyte content, the high byte is sent first followed by the low byte.
When sending a byte content, the high bit is sent first, followed by the low bit.
3Message Format
information unit | Length (bytes) | note |
protocol identifier | 4 | 0x44535246 (ASCII "DSRF") |
protocol version number | 1 | BIT7-3: Master version number BIT2-0: Sub version number (current version "0.2" 0x02) |
Message ID | 1 | |
CRC 16-bit checksum | 2 | 16-bit CRC check digit (including content length) |
Length of message content | 2 | |
Message |
4, Message ID Definition
Message Name | orientations | (be) worth |
login request | Application Software->Card Reader | 1 |
Login Confirmation | Card Reader->Application Software | 2 |
Send electronic label information | Card Reader->Application Software | 3 |
Send a heartbeat request | Application Software->Card Reader | 4 |
Heartbeat Request Confirmation | Card Reader->Application Software | 5 |
Call tag request | Application Software->Card Reader | 6 |
Call tag confirmation | Card Reader->Application Software | 7 |
Call tag rejection | Card Reader->Application Software | 8 |
Send SMS request | Application Software->Card Reader | 9 |
Send SMS to confirm | Card Reader->Application Software | 10 |
Send SMS Reject | Card Reader->Application Software | 11 |
Batch call label requests | Application Software->Card Reader | 12 |
Batch call label confirmation | Card Reader->Application Software | 13 |
Batch call tag rejection | Card Reader->Application Software | 14 |
(iii) Message interaction flow
(iv) Description of message content
1The following is a list of all the requests that have been made to the system.
User application software sends login request to card reader
Length (bytes) | element |
16 | User name (string) |
16 | Password (String) |
Note 1:
The default user name of the card reader is "admin" and the default password is "888888".
Note 2:
String is a string of characters with the character '\0' (0x00) as the cutoff character.
Message Example:
44 53 52 46 02 01 82 b6 00 20 61 64 6d 69 6e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 38 38 38 38 38 38 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

2Login Confirmation(0x02)
The card reader confirms the login request from the application software
Length (bytes) | element |
2 | Login result (0 success other values fail) |
Message Example:
44 53 52 46 02 02E4 A1 00 02 00 00

Reads the card to send reads the electronic label data to the application software
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
4 | electronic tag card number |
1 | Electronic label attributes |
0~7 | Extended Data Bytes |
1 | Wireless Signal Field Strength (dBm) |
The substation address code:1 byte, the code of the network reader itself and the accessed wireless reader. If the tag is read by the network reader itself, the substation number is 0. If the tag is read by the extended wireless reader, the substation number is the address code of the wireless reader +1 (1~16).
Electronic tag card number:4 bytes, the ID code of the read tag.

Bit 0 Undervoltage flag. 1: Undervoltage 0: Normal
Bits 1-3 Label Type. 0: Plain Label 1: Acousto-optic Label 6: Label Module
Bit 4 Reserved.
Bits 5-7 Extended data length. If necessary, the tag can upload some extended data (e.g. humidity, moisture, etc. data), the extended data area follows the attribute byte and can be 0-7 bytes in length.
Extended Data Bytes: 0-7 bytes, the length of the extended data is stated in the attribute byte, which can carry some data specific to the tag, such as temperature, temperature, and other data. There can be up to 7 bytes or none.
Wireless signal field strength:1 byte, read the wireless field strength measured when the electronic tag signal, according to the field strength value can be calculated to get the distance of the tag. Range (-128dBm~0dBm)
The greater the value of this byte, the greater the actual wireless signal strength, the closer the tag is to the reader.
Message Example:
Message example: 44 53 52 46 02 03 8E 77 00 07 01 00 1B 81 7A 00 AB

4Handshake request (0x04)
The application software periodically sends handshake request messages to the reader in order to maintain the login state.
Message: None
Message Example:
44 53 52 46 02 04 b0 01 00 00

5Handshake Acknowledgement (0x05)
The reader acknowledges the application software's handshake request message
The message body contains the device status of the positioning antenna (substation 0) connected to the network reader itself, and the device status of up to 16 wireless readers (substations 1~16) extended via wireless, which facilitates the management of the devices by the application software.
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | Number of substations (fixed value: 17 [0x11]) |
1 | Substation 0 status (equipment itself) |
16 | Substation status 1-16 (extended up to 16 wireless readers) |
State Definition:
0: Normal
1: Locate antenna failure
2: Card reader failure
3: Reader congestion (too many tags to issue in time resulting in data loss)
Message Example:
44 53 52 46 02 05 1E 2A 00 12 11 01 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02 02

6,call labelRequest (0x06)
When the application software needs the specified tags to glow audibly, an audible and visual reminder request message needs to be sent.
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
4 | electronic tag card number |
1 | Effective duration of reminder (seconds) |
1 | Reminder mode |
Reminder effective length:
After sending a reminder command, for how long the reminder operation remains active. (After the reminder operation is deactivated, the tag will still remind autonomously for 10 seconds until the timeout period.)
Reminder Mode:
calling mode | clarification |
0 | Green light blinking only |
1 | Green light flashing + buzzer sounding |
2 | Red light blinking only |
3 | Red light flashing + buzzer sounding |
4 | Alternating red and green flashing only |
5 | Red and green alternately flashing + buzzer sounding |
255 | Stop Alert |
Message example: 44 53 52 46 02 06 2C F5 00 07 00 00 1D 0E 54 3C 00

7,call labelAcknowledgement (0x07)
The reader acknowledges the application program's audible alert request message. If the application software sends an Audible Alert Request message but does not receive an Audible Alert Acknowledgement, it needs to resend the request message.
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
4 | electronic tag card number |
Message example: 44 53 52 46 02 07 CC 8E 00 05 00 00 1D 0E 54

8Call Label Rejection(0x08)
The reader is unable to respond to call tag request messages from the application software, such as the substation is not online.
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
4 | electronic tag card number |
1 | Reason for failure value |
9Send SMS request(0x09)
The application sends an SMS message to the specified tag (valid only for SMS tags).
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
4 | Label ID |
2 | SMS number (0~29999) |
1 | Year (actual year - 2020) |
1 | moon |
1 | date |
1 | hour |
1 | ingredient |
1 | unit of angle or arc equivalent one sixtieth of a degree |
1 | SMS content length (0~110) |
110 | Text message content |
10, send a text message to confirm(0x0A)
The reader acknowledges receipt of the SMS message from the application.
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
4 | Label ID |
11, Send SMS Reject(0x0B)
The reader receives SMS messages from the application software, but cannot send them, e.g. the substation is not online.
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
4 | Label ID |
1 | Reason for failure value |
12, batch call labeling requests(0x0C)
When the application software needs to call a batch of tags at the same time, you need to send a batch call tag request message. One message supports calling up to 80 tags.
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
1 | Effective duration of reminder (seconds) |
1 | Number of labels (1~80) |
4 | Tag 1 card number |
1 | Tab 1 Reminder Mode |
4 | Tag 2 card number |
1 | Tab 2 Reminder Mode |
。。。。。。 | |
4 | Label N Card Number |
1 | Tagged N Reminder Mode |
Reminder effective length:
After sending a reminder command, for how long the reminder operation remains active. (After the reminder operation is deactivated, the tag will still remind autonomously for 10 seconds until the timeout period.)
Call Mode:
The general definitions are as follows(definitions of acoustic and visual labels may vary slightly)
calling mode | clarification |
0 | Green light blinking only |
1 | Green light flashing + buzzer sounding |
2 | Red light blinking only |
3 | Red light flashing + buzzer sounding |
4 | Alternating red and green flashing only |
5 | Red and green alternately flashing + buzzer sounding |
255 | Stop Alert |
Message example: 44 53 52 46 02 0C 2B2A 00 12 01 3C 03 00 1D 0E 54 00 00 1D 0E 55 00 00 1D 0E 56 00

13, batch call label confirmation(0x0D)
The reader acknowledges the bulk call tag request message from the application software. If the application software sends a Bulk Call Tag Request message but does not receive a Bulk Call Tag Acknowledgement, it needs to resend the request message.
Message: Message.
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
Message example: 44 53 52 46 02 0D90B1 00 01 01

14, Bulk Call Tag Rejection(0x0E)
The reader is unable to respond to bulk call tag request messages from the application software, such as the substation is not online.
Length (bytes) | element |
1 | substation address code |
1 | Reason for failure value |