UWB material electronic tag WE-TT230

 Product Features

  • IEEE 802.15.4a UWB Wireless
  • Bluetooth 0 support
  • Supports NFC technology (optional)
  • Built-in on-board antenna
  • Large capacity non-rechargeable battery


SKU: WE-TT230 Category: Tags: , ,

Product Overview

WE-TT230 is designed by Shanghai Fengbao Electronic Information Technology Co., Ltd. based on UWB positioning technology, BLE assisted positioning, optional NFC, the product can be fixed on the target body to be located by screws, compatible with the tie fixation. The product is equipped with buzzer and bright light function, when the system is turned on the search mode, the corresponding product bright LED flashes and buzzer sounds.
WE-TT230 is equipped with a high-capacity battery, standby time of up to 18 months, the product protection level of IP67, can be widely used in warehousing and logistics and other industrial areas.

Application Areas

Can be widely used in warehousing and logistics and other industrial fields

interior positioningsummarize

In today's society, informationization, digitalization everywhere, wireless communication technology and navigation ranging technology has been very successful in various fields, all aspects of our lives can not be separated from the application of these technologies, for example, we go to a place to scan the nearby shopping malls, restaurants, and we are in the location of the formation of the cross-detection, but also for example, if you want to go to a public place during the recent outbreak of disease, not only do a good job of personal protection, wear a mask, but also need to go to scan the place to go to the QR code so that our relevant accounting quarantine information and trip information is refined and tied to the location we take. Personal protection, wear a good mask, but also need to go to scan the QR code of the place to go, so that our relevant accounting and quarantine information and trip information is refined and formed with the location of the place we take a binding relationship, which is equivalent to we have been to this place. Therefore, location service has become a very important part of our daily life.

With the increasing development of wireless sensor networks, the technical means on indoor positioning have all made rapid progress, especially theZIGBEE localization,WIFI localization,BLUETOOTH positioning,RFID positioning,UWB positioningIt has been widely used in the field of indoor positioning

outdoor positioning techniques.global positioning system (GPS)(GPS) has been applied to every aspect of our life, especially we drive a car has been inseparable from the navigation, 20 years ago when I first arrived in Shanghai, I drive often in the passenger side will have a person to help me take the map to do the command in order to avoid going the wrong way, and now such a way of navigation was almost unimaginable at that time, our company agent of the Swiss brand UBLOX is the market of the module of this industry Pioneer, we will sell millions of module products every year to apply in various fields, especially since its launch in 2019 F9P this epoch-making product; because the accuracy of this product can reach the meter level, the price can be up to 1,000 yuan RMB or less, since the beginning of the introduction of a large number of customers have gained a large number of customers to seek and respond to the application of the field of automobiles, construction machinery, lawnmowers, drones, every year we are an agent of the number of shipments are very large. The number of shipments from one agent is very considerable, and we feel the huge potential of the positioning market. However, people still need to spend a large part of the time indoors to deal with positioning information, and the use of GPS in indoor environments will have many problems, the complexity of indoor environments is much higher than outdoor, satellite signals in indoor areas will face a variety of interferences, resulting in the signal reflected, refracted, or absorbed, so that it is not possible to use GPS indoors to carry out accurate positioning. And the demand for indoor positioning more and more, the demand for higher and higher precision; due to more and more large shopping malls, parking lots are also more and more large, and people expect to be able to find the required shopping malls or their own vehicles need the support of indoor positioning technology; large warehouses are often accompanied by the ERP, but sometimes the search for goods often need to be accurately located; and there are also some hazardous places, the need for accurate location of the equipment for the Processing, especially some security accidents rescue activities, the need for accurate location to plan routes to find trapped personnel or equipment; there are some intelligent workshop needs to detect the location of each device, in order to quickly and quickly do some processing; there are some confidential units, do not expect a certain type of people to enter, will be set up in some guarded areas, once a certain type of people close to or through the alarm will be alarmed; large-scale kindergartens or primary and secondary schools Children's safety control, unsafe places need to do some measures to ensure safe and controllable. So the application of indoor positioning technology will be imperative!

The most widely used methods for location information

Based on signal strength, RSSI (signal strength indicator)

When a wireless signal propagates in a specific channel, its signal strength obeys a certain attenuation model, so the RSSI localization algorithm calculates the distance between the mobile tag and the base station by measuring the field strength of the pulsed signal of the wireless signal and relying on the channel attenuation model. Since the sending node has the ability to communicate, RSSI is a low-power, low-cost ranging technology, the ideal environment, RSSI performance is very good characteristics; but indoor environments, shadow fading (from the signal transmission path on the obstacles) and multipath effect (electromagnetic wave propagation through different paths, each component field arrives at the receiving end of the time is different, according to their respective phases superimposed on each other to cause interference, making the original signal distortion) and other effects. The original signal is distorted) and other influences, will produce a large error

Based on the time of arrival, TOA (time of arriaal).

(1) A localization scheme based on measuring the propagation time of electromagnetic waves, the accuracy of which depends on two main points: 1,
The degree of time synchronization between the base station and the tag; 2. Time resolution. The higher the degree of time synchronization,
The higher the time resolution, the higher the positioning accuracy.

Based on time difference of arrival, TDOA (time difference of arrival)

Also known as the "Hyperbolic Positioning Scheme", it is an improved version of the TOA Positioning Scheme. The tag emits electromagnetic waves
signal, the location of the tag is determined based on the time difference of this signal to different base stations. The program only
The need to synchronize the time of the base station improves the feasibility, and it is a more widely used in the market today.

Based on the direction of arrival, DOA (direction of arriavl), can also be called: AOA (angle of arrival)

Angle-based AOA localization is the base station through the antenna array to measure the incident position of the wireless signal, which is used to calculate the angle between the tag and the base station, and finally triangulation method to derive the coordinates of the tag. However, this method has very high requirements for the direction and angle calculation of RF signals, especially the need to take a strong directional antenna or antenna array.

Time of flight method, TOF (time of flight)

It is a bi-directional ranging technique that measures the time of flight of a signal between the sender and the receiver by
to calculate the distance. Its localization method is essentially the same as TOA, except that the TOF localization method does not
Time synchronization between devices is required, but the clock accuracy of the devices themselves can have a significant impact on the final result.

UWB positioning technology

UWB technology is a wireless carrier communication technology that utilizes sinusoidal narrow pulses of nanoseconds or micro-nanoseconds for data transmission. It first originated in the 1960's, utilizing ultrashort baseband pulses for communication and used for radar detection in the military; in the 1990's, according to the FCC's definition of UWB, it has the following main characteristics: absolute bandwidth is greater than 500 MHZ or relative bandwidth is greater than 20%, signal bandwidth in 3.1-10.6GHZ, and the center frequency is greater than 2.5GHZ. maximum transmit power does not exceed -41.3dBm/MHz.

In terms of spectrum, ultra-wideband differs from narrowband and broadband in that it has a wider frequency band.

Signal Type Signal bandwidth/center frequency
narrowband Relative bandwidth ≤1%
wideband 1%≤Relative Bandwidth≤25%
Ultra Wideband (UWB) Relative bandwidth >25% or center frequency >2.5GHZ
positioning technology anti-interference positioning accuracy effective distance penetrating Problems and limitations
WIFI (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than 3-5 meters 30 meters (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than Poor signal stability
Bluetooth (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than 2-3 meters 10 meters center Communication distance, requiring large deployment of base stations
Zigbee vigorous 1 meter 30 meters vigorous Short communication distance and low precision
RFID (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than 10 cm 30 meters (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than Easily disturbed, poor privacy
UWB vigorous 10 cm 200 meters vigorous High hardware costs
infrared ray (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than 5-10 meters 10 meters (following a decimal or fraction) slightly less than Straight line of sight, easy to interfere

The signal characteristics of UWB are mainly: nanosecond time accuracy, wider frequency band, low transmit power, carrierless baseband transmission. Due to the limited transmit power of UWB, its transmission distance is also subject to many limitations in the civilian short-range wireless technologies are IEEE802.11a, Bluetooth, HomeRF, compared as follows

Common TDOA algorithms

  1. Fang algorithm: for positioning, it is simple to solve the hyperbolic equations, linearize the non-linear equations, and then minimize the error of the equations to arrive at the estimated position of the target to be located, this method is only applicable to indoor 2D positioning
  2. Least square (LS) localization algorithm: simple and fast, not an optimal solution
  3. Weighted Least Squares (WLS) Localization Algorithm
  4. Chan's Positioning Algorithm: Positioning accuracy is better when the measurement accuracy is high, but when the anchor position deviates or the measurement accuracy is general, the positioning performance decreases faster.
  5. CTK (Chan-Taylor-Kalman) localization algorithm; using Chan's algorithm to obtain the initial coordinates of the localization tags, and use this as the initial point of Taylor's algorithm iteration to get more accurate localization results, and finally use the improved Kalman to eliminate the abnormal data caused by the non-visual distance, multipath and other environments in the process of the experiment, so that the localization is more accurate.
  6. The localization algorithm of Taylor's series expansion requires iterative operations with initial values close to the actual position, otherwise convergence is slow and even localization is not possible due to poor choice of initial values

Error factors in UWB localization systems

  1. Antenna delay error: Transmit and receive delays originating from within the chip
  2. Clock error: due to process, working environment and other issues, different devices have a certain clock frequency does not
  3. Consistency issues: For positioning methods such as TOA, TDOA, etc., the clock synchronization process can also have some errors
  4. Multipath Error: In addition to receiving the normal signal, the receiving end also contains the signal through reflection, refraction brought about by error


sports event descriptive
Diethylammonium chloride WE-TT230
Relevant norms IEEE 802.15.4a
momentary power consumption <1W
Standby time 18 months @ TDOA
refresh rate 0.1~20Hz (adjustable)
LED status green LED Flashing during UWB operation
Tri-color LED up and down the line Alternating rapid red and green flashes for 2 seconds
Battery low (operating) red flash
Normal power (operating) green flash
Radio Frequency Specifications (UWB)
operating frequency 3.24 GHz~3.74 GHz (channel1)
3.77 GHz ~ 4.24 GHz (channel 2)
6.24GHz~6.74GHz (channel5)
physical velocity 110 Kbps
850 Kbps
6.8 Mbps
Output power (25℃) -41dBm/MHz ~ -24dBm/MHz (adjustable)
channel bandwidth 500MHz
Antenna Gain 4.7dBi
RF specification (BLE)
operating frequency 2400 ~ 2483.5 MHz
physical velocity 1Mbps
Output power (25℃) 3dBm
Antenna Gain 1.5 dBi
Software Specifications
UWB operating mode TDOA
hibernation Smart Sleep
Alarm Upload Low Battery Alarm
Send Alerts Strong light flashing, buzzer beeping
escalate (in intensity) UART, OTA (UWB)
configure UART Interface, CLI Configuration
Physical Specifications
Dimensions (mm) 64.2 x 56.4 x 25
Weight (g) 57
Environmental specifications
temp Working Temperature: -20℃~65℃
Storage temperature: -30ºC~75ºC
humidity level Operating humidity: 0% to 90% without condensation
waterproof and dustproof IP67
RoHs compatibility


Product Shape

Physical Specifications
Dimensions (mm) 64.2×56.4×25
Weight (g) 57

bandage (loanword)

Models and accessories

name (of a thing) Specification quantities part numbers
WE-TT230 Material Labeling 1 AA01UT230P00

This product cannot be used alone, it needs to be used with our card reader and handhelds.

maybeContactsThe sales staff of the company will give you reference advice:

Resource support

WE-TT230 Datasheet

Case Sharing

  1. Hainan Shidian UWB positioning + anti-collision, help warehouse logistics intelligent innovation
