I. Background overview
As science and technology evolve, the use of drones is becoming more and more widespread. The Follow Me Drone was introduced in 2016, and with the Follow Me Drone technology, the drone is programmed to follow you automatically, providing you with plenty of opportunities to capture unique aerial footage.

Athletes, cyclists and climbers use follow me GPS drones to shoot from all angles with the ultimate goal of improving their skills.

II. Follow Me drone technology
Follow Me technology requires real-time access to the relative positional relationships between two or more moving carriers, including distance, bearing, relative speed, etc.
The built-in RTK algorithm supports the Moving-base operating mode, which is based on the principle that the mobile station continuously receives GNSS satellite signals, and at the same time receives real-time satellite observation data from the mobile base station, and obtains the baseline vectors from the mobile station to the mobile base station as well as the three-dimensional coordinates of the mobile station with respect to the mobile base station through solving.
III. Products
WE-HPP-EVK-F9-BThat is, F9 core board, based on the Swiss U-Blox F9 series centimeter-level high-precision positioning module design, to achieve centimeter-level positioning. The purpose is to facilitate users to quickly develop high-precision positioning products.

1. Realize centimeter-level positioning, support GPS/BEIDOU/GLONASS/GALILEO all galaxies, support dual-band.
2. It can be directly connected to a computer via Micro USB for testing.
3. It can be set as a base station or mobile station by configuration.
4. Can be plugged into the supporting baseboard, with Digi Xbee long-distance wireless module to transmit differential data for rapid evaluation.
5. The peripheral design refers to U-Blox recommended devices and requirements, safe and reliable.
6. Can be used directly for mass production.
IV. Application block diagram

V. Configuration and Functional Implementation
Two EVKs are needed to realize the follow Me function, one of them is configured as Moving Base mode, outputs RTCM data, and transmits it to the other EVK through wireless.
The other EVK is configured as Rover mode, and receives the RTCM data wirelessly to the module, which realizes high-precision heading and other data through RTK algorithm.
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