The Value of Location-Based Technology - Shaping Our Lives for More Than a Decade

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interior positioningApplication Utilization UWB SensorPrecise location data provided in real time for targeting and tracking use cases.

No more worrying about being late because you can't find your keys. Supermarket shopping is made easy because you don't have to waste time wandering from aisle to aisle looking for items on the week's shopping list. Site managers in factories can increase safety by warning workers when they are approaching dangerous areas. Equipment and tool tracking can help improve workflow efficiency by providing a real-time view of current work. These are just the tip of the iceberg for this application

Indoor/outdoor navigation
Believe it or not, just 20 years ago, location information was not readily available to the public! Early in the 21st century, indoor navigation technologies began to emerge: think Google Maps covering shopping centers, airports, and other large buildings. Current indoor navigation technologies, such as Bluetooth® Low Energy or Wi-Fi, have limitations because they require a lot of processing and measurements to get to a precise location point. Bluetooth Low Energy technologies have a positioning accuracy within a few meters and are highly dependent on the environment in which they are located. As a result, precision microlocation systems are beginning to emerge as a more accurate and reliable method of locating anything.

With UWB technology, driverless cars and robots can utilize precise positioning for indoor and outdoor navigation. For example, we can equip our gardens with UWB anchor points that can be used as reference points to guide automated lawnmowers. Unlike existing technology, you no longer need to fence or bury wires in your yard to create boundaries. Now, a chore that once took all day can be accomplished in a few hours with the push of a button.

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