Transport information

Orders over 500 RMB can be shipped free of charge to mainland China, overseas orders are billed separately, please contact our customer service staff.

Daily Shipping Schedule

Courier pickup at 12:00am daily at our location in Caohejing, Shanghai.

  • We cannot guarantee that all orders can be shipped the same day they are in stock at our warehouse.
  • All times are based on Beijing Standard Time.
  • We ship after payment is made, please provide your order number when making payment.

Our logistics partner is SF Logistics

Orders must be entered using our website. We are a manufacturer and design company. All orders are generated after your order is received on our website.

We will have small quantities in stock to keep up with normal customer demand, but there is no guarantee that we will have the goods you ordered.

With 2-day, 3-day and overnight deliveries, we are now able to support hundreds of shipments per day.